the BLACKBOARD: best lock-in ideas

Unknown Yesterday some local para-church and church leaders got together to process and brainstorm about possibly doing a lock-in outreach opportunity at the nZone (the building our Church, New Life Christian Church owns). It was a great time as we got to really throw out some good ideas and think through how we could make it work logistically.  In some ways, as a late 30s something guy, I feel like I must be insane (like this cartoon fella) to try to stay up all night with energetic teens.  But in a lot of other ways, I feel like with a building like the nZone and all the youth ministry connections, why not do some big Kingdom work and have a kick-butt night in order for students around the area to hear about Christ for what could be the 1st time ever. So, as we talked and discussed, it made me to wonder, what are the best lock-in ideas you have done in the past.  What were…

  • the best ideas you have had and done for a lock-in.
  • ways that you kept the night “fresh”
  • and for fun…your worst idea that totally bombed.
TAKE A MINUTE and post a comment, experience or idea that bombed so that we can all learn and benefit from each other.]]>

4 Replies to “the BLACKBOARD: best lock-in ideas”

  1. tom, you are a sav!! the fact that someone your age is even considering this makes you a hero in my book!! i think you will have a great time and will be a great event. i hope it goes well. blessings amigo!

    1. haha thanks Ben. I'm definitely getting up there in age and honestly I am quite nervous about trying to do something like this…I don't think I can make it much pass 1 am.

  2. One of the best ideas is to try to recruit enough leaders to take shifts throughout the night and take a nap the afternoon of the lock-in and during if possible (I have a couch in my office at the church that I use). Also, get the students out of the building if possible for something (skating, bowling, laser tag, etc.). It breaks up the night, gives an activity to look forward to, and at 5 am it doesn't feel like you've been in the same place all night. Just a few tips I've used. Great post.

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