the BLACKBOARD: favorite fall activity to do with students

Just like any other season, the fall presents new and unique opportunities for you to do ministry with students. For example, I love going to the Corn Maze with students. It’s fun to go somewhere and run around a field of corn with students. Ok, it doesn’t sound too exciting but our group always tends to have a lot of fun there. But this year, I am also excited about doing some new fall activities with students. For example, we are doing a Halloween themed Sunday night group the Sunday before Halloween in which we’ll be doing some cool Halloween based activities over the course of the night. That is what we are doing and I’m pretty excited about it. But, I’m curious to hear what you all like to do. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and post 1 thing you love doing with your Student Ministry during the fall and another thing you are doing new this year. Grab some chalk and post your comments below…the BLACKBOARD is open.]]>

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