the Blackboard: "Independence Day" inspirational clip

  • Topic(s): motivation/encouragement, overcoming odds, teamwork, unity
  • Scripture References: Romans 15:1,2; Proverbs 27:17; Ecclesiastes 4:9,10; Romans 12:4,5; 3 John 1:8; Hebrews 10:24-25
  • Whether it is a leaders meeting or a youth event I show the clip to really emphasize that as followers of Christ we can & should work together. The mission to love Christ and love others may be tough and challenging, but together, we can encourage each other and be successful.  This clip is a great set-up to really motivating and inspiring others. But this is just one way this can be used.  Are there other ways?  Definitely!  So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and comment on other ways you could use the clip or other teaching points that can come from it.  The point of “the Blackboard” is that ideas get flushed out and we are able to discuss and use the material for our ministries. So what do you think?  Post a comment.]]>

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