Summer planning. As I said in that post, summer is a great opportunity for you to try something new. I always used summers to create and try out new ideas. In fact I was just debriefing some ideas with my Student Ministry Director the other day and I told him to change the names of things. He doesn’t have to call it “Grow” (our regular Sunday night activity). Keep “Grow” “Grow” and come up with a new name. It could be basically the same thing with the same objectives, just called something different. So as he was coming up with new fresh ideas, I figured it would be great to see what you all are doing this summer that is new and fresh. TAKE A MINUTE and share your idea so that we can all benefit and be encouraged the let the creative juices flow. Be encouraged to take bold new steps because I feel that worse than “failing” at something is not trying at all. The Blackboard is open, grab a piece of chalk and start throwing out ideas.]]>