The Day After Insanity

  • What leaders and I meeting with this week to go over their personal and ministry goals for the year?
  • How can I deal with a fellow staffer accusing my newly hired Youth Associate of dressing inappropriately (when she was not dressed inappropriately)?
  • I need to start working on my weekend retreat talks and finishing planning the weekend retreat.  When am I going to do that?
  • I need to find more parents to help at our Friday night 5th Quarter event.  Who are they?
  • I need to get a letter out to our parents ASAP explaining our upcoming Sex and Dating series.  How can I do that when I don’t even know how to mail merge??
  • I need to get a leaders email out to get them focused on the week ahead and how to follow up with students.
  • When am I going to take a day(s) off this week since I’m gone on Saturday and back for Church on Sunday morning?
  • CAN ANYONE RELATE?????  It’s kinda funny?]]>

    2 Replies to “The Day After Insanity”

    1. Wow! Thank you Jesus that I am not alone!

      Should sabbath and worship be a day of insanity? What have we done?

      Ministry can be and is demanding. A day in the life of a church, especially on Sunday, can call for a Monday recovery time, or sabbath for leadership. It is also the beginning of gearing up for a repeat of more of the same for the week ahead and the next Sunday.

      I can identify with this list and can add my own list of complexities to it. A great question for us to ask is, "If Jesus were to look at our lists, what would He think, or say, or do with them?"

      Another great question is, "If Jesus gave us a list, what would be on His list for us?"

      I do not pretend to understand the answers to these questions, but I do feel compelled to invest in a good paper shedder for myself.

      First, Jesus has to be primary on my heart and mind.

      Then, I have begun to learn to keep the main thing, the main thing, and to delegate more. I have also started to realize what is necessary in administrative duties and what is luxury. I have also found that you cannot please everyone, so why try. I am a Director of Youth Ministry, not a director of people pleasing. I have found that some people in ministry and leadership can point more to potential problems, real or perceived, than they can or do participate in any real solutions, or contributions, toward the advancement of the mission.

      And . . .

    2. I definitely feel your "Monday pain." After a BUSY Sunday, I always find myself with a lot of things on my to do list and just barely enough time to get them done before the next Sunday. Just in time to start the cycle over again! 🙂

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