Apple’s website says, Apple TV+ is “Original stories from the most creative minds in TV and film.” When Apple first started they were strictly a computer company. Then, in the early 2000s they started dabbling with music (iPod and then Apple Music). After that they created the iPhone, one of the most sold smartphones ever. And now they are all in on “services”. What first started with Apple Music is now going to Apple TV+. What is this all about and what are the ministry applications? What this short video. Apple is getting into the original content, streaming business for a few reasons. One of them is to definitely make money. However, it is also doing it to tell stories. They believe they have powerful stories to share. In fact, in every one of the presentations the actors and directors shared about the stories their shows will tell and inspire others with when they go live. In it’s Apple TV+ event, Apple SVP Eddy Cue said, “Apple TV+ will be home to some of the highest quality original storytelling that TV and movie lovers have seen yet.” Apple wants to tell stories that inspire. Hulu, Netflix and Amazon wants to do the same. In the same way, our ministries have stories to share. We have stories of transformation and life change that should be shared. Whether it is in person, on a video, or through a blog post or other social media post your ministry has stories to share. Are you sharing them or are they going by mostly unheard of other than word of mouth? The bottom line is it is all about the telling stories. Apple and other companies are going all in on telling stories and they are using their streaming platforms to do just that. If we truly believe Christ is a life changer, we need to be all in on telling those stories as well. What stories can you be sharing this week and what platforms can you use to share those stories. I believe that the more stories you can be sharing in a variety of different platforms, the greater your impact will be in reaching other people for Christ. What do you think? What ministry application did you get from the Apple TV+ announcement? Share them below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]
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