The Monday Morning Debrief – 10/18

Here are 5 Questions to ask yourself, reflect on and/or change from this past week:

  1. What is something you have learned this past week (either personally, ministry wise or through your devotions)? How are you going to put that into practice this week?
  2. Is there an upcoming event that you need to start prepping for? Take some time to preparing for it now so you do not get behind on any planning.
  3. Take a minute and evaluate your past weeks events. How did they go? Did you accomplish yours goals?
  4. Is there a leader you have not met up with lately? See if there is a time you can meet up with them sometime this week to catch up on life & ministry.
  5. Follow up with your Parents contact work list. It is important that you do a few of these a month so that you can share your heart and your vision for the youth. Also you can probe them for what they would like to see happen in the youth program. Getting their input does not mean that you have to do everything they suggest but at least you are getting valuable feedback from them to possibly apply to your ministry.