The Monday Morning Debrief – 10/4

5 Questions to ask yourself, reflect on and/or change from this past week:

  1. What is something you have learned this past week (either personally, ministry wise or through your devotions)?  How are you going to put that into practice this week?  If you went to the YS Youthworker’s convention in SD, you may be feeling overwhelmed with ideas right now, so it is best if you take some time and jot down some ideas.
  2. How are your times with the Lord?  Too often in ministry we sacrifice our time with the Lord because we are so “busy” encouraging others in their time with Him.  As we all “know” that is unacceptable and we need to spend time with Him daily!  If you haven’t already, spend time with Him now.
  3. Was there something that happened this past week that you need to follow up on?  If so, take a minute right now and figure out how you are going to follow up appropriately.
  4. Who is a student that you haven’t connected with in a while? Take a minute & call, text, Facebook, email or best yet, hang out with them.
  5. Who is a leader you need to encourage this week?  Take a minute and write them a note or give them a call.  If you can meet up with them this week, that would be great.