The Monday Morning Debrief – 11/1

Here are 5 Questions to ask yourself, reflect on and/or change from this past week:
  1. What is something you have learned this past week (either personally, ministry wise or through your devotions)? How are you going to put that into practice this week?
  2. Did you do a Halloween event last night?  If so, how did it go?  What did you learn and how can you be more effective ministering to student NEXT Halloween?
  3. Is there a fringe student you have not met up with lately?  Or is there a student you haven’t seen in a while?  Give that person a call or text and see if there is a time you can meet up with them sometime this week to catch up on life.
  4. Have you started thinking about some winter calendar options yet?  If you haven’t and you would like to do something big like an overnight, you better start looking now as things book up quickly.
  5. How are you doing with responding to your emails and phone calls from the past week?  If you are behind take no more than a half hour and quickly respond to them.  Don’t get to far behind because it shows that you do not value people’s time and effort of them contacting you.