The Monday Morning Debrief – 11/8

  • Who did you invite to Church for this past week? How did it go? Who can you invite to Church next week?  Whether this is personally or in ministry, we should always be looking for people we can introduce to Christ.  A great way is Church (although it is by far not the only way).  So prayerfully consider who you can be inviting to church this week.  Make it a goal to invite 1 student and 1 adult.
  • What was a ministry high of the week? How can you build upon the high so you keep some momentum?
  • What was a low? How can you improve on the low so you don’t encounter that again?
  • Who is a student that you haven’t connected with in a while? Take a minute & call, text, Facebook or email them and see if you can get together with them sometime this week.
  • Winter/Spring calendars should be going in full force now.  Take some time together to focus on a what you could do in the spring semester that could be great outreach events.  Also focus on what you want to be teaching coming up.  Where do you feel that your students are at and what do you feel like they need to hear and discover.
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