The Monday Morning Debrief – 12/13

4 Questions to consider from the past week and as you look ahead:

  1. What was a ministry high and low for you this week?  How are you going to capture the momentum from the high and how are you going to learn from the low so it doesn’t happen again?
  2. How did your Christmas party go?  What was something you learned from it.  If you haven’t had a Christmas party yet, what do you need to do this week to prepare for it?
  3. Who are 2 leaders and 2 students you need to connect with this week?  Make it a goal to connect with them this week.
  4. Jan. 1 is right around the corner so how is your winter/spring planning coming?  Take some time today (and this week) to focus on that so that you can be planned well ahead of time.