The Monday Morning Debrief – 12/20

  • How did you Christmas party go?  What did you do and how effective was it?  Did you give a message or challenge at all?  If so, how effective was it? Did the students listen or was it drowned out in the party atmosphere?  What is 1 thing you would change for next year.  Write all this stuff down so you don’t forget.
  • How did the fall semester go?  Did you hit your goals that you were striving for?  How so?   Take a minute and list down all the accomplishments you had and all the missed opportunities you had so that you can learn from them and grow.
  • Start doing mid-year evaluations of your leaders.  Set aside some time together with them where you can encourage them in what they are doing and challenge them in what they could be doing better.
  • Where are you at with your planning for January?  It is only 2 weeks away and then the madness begins all over. Make sure you have a firm grasp on what you are doing and teaching at least through March.
  • Who are a few students you need to connect with this week?  Take some time right now to text, email, facebook or call them to set up some time to chat (or shop) before Christmas.
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