the Monday Morning Debrief: 3 Weeks Away…are you doing it?

Wikipedia for that stat). Because of this, why not put together a viewing party for students to watch together?  People are going to watch it, why not watch it with your friends, right?  Why not see it as an opportunity to meet new students and reach out to them? So the question is, with 3 weeks until the big game, are you doing a party?  Why or Why Not?  As much as I swear by it, I also know other youth ministry friends who that that week off and don’t do anything.  So I’m curious, what is your opinion and why?  TAKE A MINUTE right now and post a comment sharing your Super Bowl plans and why are you doing it.  It’d be great to see a cool discussion of the pros and cons of a Super Bowl Party and why or why not Student Ministers are doing it. If you’d like to do a Super Bowl party but need some ideas or help, I’ve blogged in the past about how to pull off a successful Super Bowl Party for students.]]>

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