TAKE A MINUTE and debrief what happened yesterday at church and at your youth program.
- What connections did you make at church yesterday? Did you meet any new students and/or families? ACTION STEP: How are you planning on following up with them this week?
- Did you have a conversation with a parent, student or leader that you need to follow up with today or this week? ACTION STEP: Write down when you will follow up with them this week.
- How did yesterday’s group go? How was the energy level during the night (exciting or mundane)? ACTION STEP: What can you do for this coming week to increase (or decrease) the energy level so that the mood for the night is what you need it to be?
- Did you hit your goals for the evening? ACTION STEP: What changes need to happen so that your goals can be met this coming week?
- How was the message? Did it connect with students? What Truth of God did you hammer home? What was the application? ACTION STEP: Take some time this week and connect with a leader and a student who can give you an objective evaluation so that you can improve this coming week. If someone other than yourself gave the message, plan to meet up with him/her this week to go over their talk and debrief it with them.
- How did you build community in your group last night? ACTION STEP: What changes need to be made for this week so that more students can connect with each other better?