This past week, Arkansas Head Football Coach, Bobby Petrino was involved in a motorcycle accident. No big deal except some bruises and scrapes, right? Wrong. It appears that Bobby wasn’t completely honest with authorities. It appears that he wasn’t the only person involved in the crash. A twenty-something female who, according to him, he was having an “inappropriate relationship” with, was also involved in the crash. But Petrino never reported it. He gave a false police report (which is illegal). Because of him not being completely honest, he was put on Administrative Leave and, as of last night, was fired as Head Football Coach!
So how does this apply to ministry?
Had Petrino been completely honest, the firestorm surrounding his error in judgment may not have been so firece. This is a challenge to be completely honest with others, especially your superiors. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy for everything. Petrino is in trouble – definitely for the immorality of the situation, but mainly because he wasn’t honest to begin with. He wasn’t honest with police and wasn’t honest with his superiors. Because of that, and a few other reasons, he lost a job.
Is there something you need to be honest about or come clean with? It may not be the severity of the Bobby Petrino situation, but the challenge remains for all us Youth Directors and Ministers – be honest with people and be truthful in all situations. The more we “cover-up” what is happening (either on a personal note or work related incident), the more trouble we can make for ourselves and for those around us. Sure, some things that we fudge on may not seem like a big deal but the more small things that happen, the easier big things can happen.
So again, let what is happening to Bobby Petrino in Arkansas be a reminder to you to be forthright and honest with those around you. Don’t try to hide or cover up things or else it could end up costing you more than you could ever imagine.
Thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions? Post something so that we can all learn from each other and benefit.]]>