The Monday Morning Debrief: Death of Potential

here. So what does this have to do with ministry? Talent alone is not enough to be effective in ministry. You have to be successful in life as well. You may possess all the ministry knowledge and knack for relating to the people you are ministering to unlike any other, but unless you have your life in order, you will get no where fast. Unfortunately, Amy Winehouse is the perfect example of that. Now I’m not saying that you have to have a perfect life where everything is in complete order, but your life is a model and an example to others. Once you accept the role of a believer and a minister, you and your life represents more than just what people see from you on Sunday mornings or nights. Your life is a living example everyday of your life. So how do you do that? How do you live your life as an example both on and off the ministry spotlight?

  1. Live your life following Christ’s example (Philippians 2:1-12). As I said above, it is not always easy to live your life worthy of Christ all the time, but He is the perfect model, someone we can strive to be. I love what Paul writes here in verse 12, continue to work out your salvation. It is a work in progress, a daily work in progress. That means that we stay grounded and in the scripture daily so that we can be inspired to grow closer to Him. We can’t be perfect but we can strive for Christ and continue to learn each and every day how to follow Him better.
  2. Surround yourself with other believers. Hebrews 10:24-25 points to it clearly that we need to be meeting together with others, encouraging each other and spurring one another on towards love and good deeds. It is when we surround ourselves with others who are following Christ, we can stay focused on living for Him and being a positive example.
  3. Remember who you are serving. We are called to serve the Lord and to minister to His people. When we lose sight of our focus, we open ourselves up to getting sidetracked AND could possibly fall into temptation. Furthermore it also increases the potential for us to lose focus and begin to rely solely on us and our “potential” instead of the Lord.
The reality is, whether right or wrong, when you become a believer and accept the calling into a ministry position, you are an example to others around you. It’s a tough calling but a very achievable one. The key is to stay grounded cling close to the Lord.
The question is where do you stand? Are you running a race like Amy Winehouse or like the apostle Paul? So right now TAKE A MINUTE and examine where you are at currently. Are you living on & getting by on just your talent/potential? Or are you firmly grounded in Christ & focused on living for Him and being an example to Him. I believe that the more we can have our life centered around Christ & his teachings the more balanced our life can be and an example for others. Thoughts? I’d love to hear what you have to say about this (esp other ideas you have for how to be an example of Christ to others). Post a comment.]]>

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