the Monday Morning Debrief: Following up the Bang

San Diego fireworks display, ended up being very bad (and quick). The one thing I really enjoy about fireworks each year is the grand finale, where a plethora of fireworks go off all at once to wrap up the show. One after another, loud boom after loud bang, it is a huge marvel of pyrotechnics and everyone leaves excited and amazed. The only problem with ending with the Big bang and excitement, there is no follow up. You have to wait a whole other year for another round of fireworks that good. So how does this apply to ministry? In ministry, having a big bang event where lots of great things happened is always a winner. It get students excited and hearts could change for the Lord that day. But if all you do is a big event and then do not follow up from it, you are missing an opportunity to further the kingdom of Heaven. So, here are 3 easy that you can be sure to follow up appropriately from a big event that you do with youth this year:

  • Prep your “leader” students and your volunteers about what is expected before, during and AFTER the event. Meaning, in order to have good follow-up after, you “leader” students and volunteers need to know how to engage new students, what to do with current “regular” attenders and how to appropriately follow-up after the event is over. Having a meeting a few days before or even hours before the big event to cover this would be best.
  • Make sure you have connection cards. That way if a new-comer comes, you will have all their information to be able to reach out to them and follow up with a note sharing what your program is all about and how they can get more connected (especially if they really enjoyed the program).
  • Make sure you have promotional material out for the next Big Event or activity. When students leave a great event, they are inspired and motivated. That alone increases the possibility of them coming out to your next activity. But, if you don’t have promotional material (i.e. fliers or calendars) out for them to take, they may never know what is next and therefore you may never see them again. So have plenty of printed material for students to take on the way home.
So, what do you think? TAKE A MINUTE right now and share your thoughts, questions or experiences about how to follow up from a successful youth event. What have you seen work and what hasn’t?]]>

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