the Monday Morning Debrief: Leaders Retreats

  • regroup from a busy, vacation filled summer and catch up with everyone
  • give new leaders a chance to meet and bond with current leaders
  • do some training so we can sharpen our skills and
  • prepare for the fall
  • Every year I have taken leaders it ends up being an amazing time together and really starts us off on the right track.  So my question to all the other Student Ministry Leaders is two-fold:
    1. Do you do an annual leaders retreat?  If yes, how have you seen it benefit your Leadership team and Student Ministry?
    2. If no, why not and what do you do to prepare and bond before the start of the fall?
    I don’t think there is a right or wrong here.  It’s a matter a preference.  So, I’m really interested to hear what others are doing.]]>

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