the Monday Morning Debrief: Now what?

  • Follow up with all the people you met at Church yesterday or who checked off “interested” in the Youth Ministry from a bulletin insert or at a table.  Whether it is by phone or email, contact them this week.  Phone is probably the best since you can talk to the family in person.
  • Touch base with the Student Ministry Leaders to see who they came into contact with and encourage them to follow up people they met.
  • Make sure your next Youth Event is a home run.  If you have new students potentially coming to “Youth Group” for the 1st time, it better be something that they are going to want to come back to.  You never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression, so make your night great!
  • What else do you think?  What have you found successful to do in following up from Easter?  TAKE A MINUTE to process what you need to do and then share your thoughts and experiences below so that we can all benefit and learn from each other.]]>

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