the Monday Morning Debrief: Prepping for Orange '13

store_logoThis week is one of my favorite weeks of the year.  It is the time I get to go to the Orange Conference in Atlanta.  It is where I get to go and connect with old friends, hear great messages from the Keynote speakers and process through all the numerous seminars and workshops. But, before I go, I need to make sure that all my bases are covered on the home front.  I have to make sure my personal and ministry obligations are taken care of, because “life” goes on, whether I’m at a conference or not. So, for all of us going to Orange this week, what is it that you have to do this week before you go that needs to be taken care of so that life at home and at work can proceed without interruption?  TAKE A MINUTE right now and start taking care of it. If you are at Orange ’13 I hope I can run into you all and see what you are learning and processing.  Hope to see you there! Can’t go to Orange ’13 but want to still experience it?  Link in here for live feeds and also check back at this blog for recaps and notes from various seminars and General Sessions!]]>

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