the Monday Morning Debrief: Processing OC '13

  • Networking matters and is helpful…great connections.  I had  a great time talking to other KidMin, StuMin and FamMin leaders and picking their brain.  In years past I have had very superficial conversations.  This time, I was more honest and inquisitive of how they do ministry.  I love the conversations I had.
  • Make sure you clarify the win with your  volunteers so they feel successful and you gain momentum with your leadership team.  For each ministry the “win” will look different, but there should be a win.  For more notes on this, click here.
  • We need to rethink how we share “history” with students.  Focus them more on Jesus than anything else and lead them into the great story of Him.  It all centers around our approach.  To read more on Andy Stanley’s message, click here.
  • Our legacy is not to be famous with many people (i.e. speakers, writers, etc)…Your legacy is going to be with the people you are with right now.  Invest with the people close to you.  To read more from Reggie Joiner’s message, click here.
  • It was great to hear Doug Fields sit down and talk to Reggie about why Student Ministry needs to be a priority within the Church and what that can do for the church currently and the future.  Click here for the notes.
  • As I work on creating a small group format with our group, Sue Miller’s seminar on Leading Small was very helpful.
  • Tweens are area that I really want to be more aggressive about in reaching.  That is why Dan Scott’s seminar on reaching Tweens was very insightful and encouraging with understanding and ministering to them.
  • What about you?  What are some things you learned and/or still processing through from Orange ’13?  Share them so that we can all learn from each other and benefit.]]>

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