the Monday Morning Debrief: Reacting to Local Events

tweeted a picture of the Miami Heat team all wearing all hoodies.  This was in direct response to the death of Trayvon Martin who was tragically killed on Feb. 26th.   Lebron and the Heat aren’t the only ones who have done this as others across the country have stood up to support Trayvon’s death. So how does this relate to ministry? When impactful things happen in our neighborhoods or communities, do we, as a Church, stand up and do something or do we just sit quite, doing nothing? There are so many things that happen within our community  that we, as the Church, can come around and surround and love on people with. Whether it is house fires, family tragedies, school situations or local events that are just happening, when the Church comes together and works with the community and serve. So, TAKE A MINUTE and share what you have done in the past to reach out in your communities communities where have been affected with unexpected loss or hurt.]]>

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