the Monday Morning Debrief: Relearning

  • Identifying, recruiting, training and developing leaders.  Being at a bigger church and not knowing as many people, I have had a harder time identifying potential leaders.  But as I have gotten to know the existing leaders and built even more relationships with the congregation, it has been great sitting down and talking to all the new potential leaders.  Then, developing a development plan for each existing leader has been a blast as well as I get to sit with them and get to know them on a deeper level and help take them to the next level of their leadership.
  • Digging into the day to day operations again.  Being a “manager” meant I just had to make sure things were getting doing.  But now being the leader and in charge of doing or delegating all the things.  So I had to relearn how to best run this program.  What works and what doesn’t…finding my happy place in ministry again
  • Those are just 2 quick things I had to relearn and get immersed in again.  So what about you?  Is there something you have to relearn in youth ministry to be more effective?  TAKE A MINUTE right now and share a thought or comment about this so we can all benefit.]]>

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