The Monday Morning Debrief: Spring is Coming!

TAKE A MINUTE and reflect and ponder on a few questions:

  1. What new Spring activity are you going to do with the children, youth or college age students you are ministering to btw the months of March – May?
  2. How are you going to appreciate your leaders during those months?  What can you do that is different, spring oriented that shows your leaders you care about them?
  3. How are you going to work more efficiently?  With spring comes with warmer weather which may cause you to want to get out of the office more.  That’s not a bad thing, unless you aren’t working.  So how can you use the warmer weather to your advantage and make you MORE productive rather than less?
Think outside the box a little bit here and then post a comment as to what you are going to try differently so we can all benefit.  ]]>

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