the Monday Morning Debrief: standing up

UnknownLast week we saw 3 different rallies (Pro-Abortion, Pro-Life and Pro-Gun) happened at our Nations Capitol.  With each rally came thousands of supporters but also many detractors as well.  Even though I’ll let my personal beliefs on these matters to myself, these kinds of rallies makes me glad I live in a country where all of us can openly express our rights and that we can stand up for almost anything. So how does this apply to ministry? This begs the question, what are you standing up for?  Or what are you standing up against?  And, when you get into the weeds of the issue, is it really worth fighting? I don’t have any real answers for you here but I would bet right now you are standing up for or against something. Maybe it’s a budget item you feel like you desperately need but money might be tight.  Maybe it’s a leader who did something questionable with students that you need to confront.  Maybe it is the juggling act you do with your family and ministry and you are feeling the pressure somewhere. Even though I may not have any answer for your particular situation, one thing I do when I encounter these situations is that I HAVE to turn to the Lord.  I have to because I lack the wisdom to know what to do and how to do it.  Do I stand up or against? Each situation is different but one thing that is for certain is that when I lack wisdom, I turn to God.  James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and think through your situations and how you are dealing with them.  Where you rally or protest?  Where do you just leave it alone?  Then turn to the Lord for direction and guidance.  See what he has to say about the matter so that we know that whatever we choose to do, it will be the correct response according to His will, not ours. Thoughts? Experiences?  Post a comment so that we can all learn from each other and benefit.  ]]>

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