the Monday Morning Debrief: Who is on your team?

article, the bigger issue is new CEO Tim Cook developing his own team after taking over for the deceased Steve Jobs.  Can he develop a team to take Apple, Inc. to the next level or not? So what does Apple’s issues have to do with ministry? It raised the question for me, Who is on MY team?  What leaders do I have filling what positions?  And, are they team members I want/need to be there or are they just warm bodies?  Do they click with me are just cause descent? In the same way, I believe all of us minister need to be asking these questions because identifying and placing the right leaders in your program can be a tremendous boast to your program.  But, it is finding the right people for your program.  Finding the wrong fit or the wrong people can bring problems to your program like it brought trouble to Apple, Inc. in recent months. So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and process who is on your leadership team.  Do you have the right team with you?  If not, what do you need to do to get the right people on the bus?  If you have a solid leadership team on board, what can you do to continue to improve the team? Thoughts?  Comments?  Experiences?  Share some so that we can all benefit from it.]]>

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