WHY vacation is important. I’m relaxed and my girls are relaxed.
Whether you have children, are single or married without children, the carefree lifestyle of time away is very refreshing and healthy. We were never designed to go, go, go and never have a extended break. We need time away to not worry about work or any of the neighborhood drama. We need to get away.
So, if you don’t have a vacation or extended period of time away set aside yet, it’s not too late. You can still get away. In fact, you NEED to get away. TAKE IN A MINUTE right now and look at your calendar for a time to get away and vacation.
I am hoping everyone reading this is saying, “well, duh. I have vacation planned”. However, I do know from my past that I didn’t always take vacation or use all of it. And, it hindered my effectiveness at home and at work.
So post your thoughts, comments or questions below as a way to encourage and learn from each other.]]>