The Orange Conference '17 Recap

YM Sidekick Orange Blog Posts

Other Orange Blogs: Quotes:
  • “Mr. Rodgers didn’t qualify who gets to be his neighbor. Jesus didn’t qualify who could be his neighbor” – Jon Acuff
  • “Parenting is one of the loneliest jobs in the parent. If we are for our neighbors we never let parents parent alone.” – Carlos Whittaker
  • “Sometimes it takes a party A party is any effort to celebrate to serve and enjoy each other in a way that adds value to life.” – Reggie Joiner
  • “Where were you when I was 12?” – A Brothel Madam asked this to Danielle Strickland when she was telling Danielle her story.
  • “The reason why we should be generous is because it helps people” – Andy Stanley
  • “If our church went out of business, would the community even notice?” – Jeff Henderson
  • “How do we become the best church FOR the neighborhood?” – Kara Powell
  • “If you hold a grudge long enough that grudge will start holding you” – Jud Wilhite
  • “Don’t be right. Be Jesus.” – Bob Goff
  • “If Jesus did it…we should do it…if we don’t do it…the ones who follow us won’t do it” – Doug Fields
What about you? What stood out to you from the Orange Conference? Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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