The Orange Conference '19 Recap

Orange Conference ’19 was this year. It was so great connecting with old friends and meeting new people as well as learning a ton of stuff that I can directly apply to my ministry contact. But, as with all conferences, there is a lot to process still. And, the work is just beginning. Can you relate? Well, as I still process and debrief, here are some blog posts of the sessions I went to as well as some others from around Orange. In addition, here are some quotes that I heard that really stood out to me: YM Sidekick Orange Conference ’19 Blog Posts

Other Orange Conference ’19 Blogs: Quotes from Orange Conference ’19 (just some of the many great things said):
  •  “Jesus has a way of replacing shame with hope.” – Reggie Joiner
  • “Nobody needs to be seen by everybody. But everybody needs somebody who see them, including you.” – Kristen Ivy
  • “Want to change the world, change one persons life.” – Jon Acuff
  • “We are not youth workers, you’re purpose partners.” – Dharius Daniels
  • “God is good, even when life is not.” – Tedashii
  • “You don’t have to like all the parents in order for them to have more influence than you.” – Mike Clear
  • “Quit having discipleship groups AND small groups. They are the same thing.” – Tom Shefchunas
  • “Relationship proximity changes everything.” – Danielle Strickland
  • “You are enough because Jesus makes you enough.” – Kara Powell
  • “Jesus never ministered from a distance” – Carlos Whittaker
  • “Leadership ultimately become powerful when your ministry becomes personal. ” – Doug Fields
  • “Don’t get so focused on your public image that you miss your personal issues.” – Sam Collier
  • “Stop building walls and start building bridges.” – Deborah Tillman
  • “If our goal is to be the hope of the world, we’ve got to stop hiding in our church.” – Clay Scroggins
  • “Improve to create something priceless!” – David Salyers
  • “You want to dazzle Jesus, go be you.” – Bob Goff
  What about you? What stood out to you from the Orange Conference ’19? Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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