The Orange Conference '20 Recap

Orange Conference was great! This truly was an Orange Conference unlike any other we’ve every experience but it was such a blast following and connecting with people through #OC20, hearing great breakouts and main session speakers. Even though it was all online there was so much great content out there. As I still process and debrief the conference, here are some blog posts of the sessions I went to as well as some others from around Orange. In addition, here are some quotes that I heard that really stood out to me: YM Sidekick Orange Conference ’20 Blog Posts

Other Orange Conference ’20 Blogs: Quotes from Orange Conference ’20 (just some of the many great things said):
  • “Change is no longer a topic. Change is a reality.” – Jon Acuff
  • “Your community needs you now more than ever before.” – Jon Acuff
  • “When you remember why, you will realize it’s ok to change your mind.” – Reggie Joiner
  • “You can’t make the right kind of disciples if you don’t love your neighbor” – Reggie Joiner
  • “Revolutions are born out of pain.” – Ryan Leak
  • “How we’re connecting has changed. Why we’re connected has not.” – Ryan Leak
  • “Why is a revolutionary question.” – Kristen Ivy
  • “What do you do when you don’t know what to do. You can start by asking ‘Why?'” – Kristen Ivy
  • “Leadership is about taking people to a new and better place.” Jimmy Mellado
  • “I think the church has an amazing opportunity right now to share its humanness.” – Jon Williams
  • “When someone shares their pain, they are sharing something sacred. Validate it. Appreciate it. Refer them where they need to go. Don’t be the “hero” that has all the “answers.” They don’t need a hero, they need a collective of support.” – Mike Foster
  • “Crisis is a great revealer.” – Simon Sinek
  • “Jesus founded his empire on love.” – Danielle Strickland
  • “Love empowers us to be the revolution that the world desperately needs.” – Danielle Strickland
  • “What does it mean to have a great church? Be lead by people who love Jesus, love like Jesus, and have a plan to help the next generation love Jesus” – Andy Stanley
  • “What still matters is being in CONTACT, in PRAYER, and SPIRITUALLY ENCOURAGING” – Doug Fields
  • “When it comes to our time and energy the revolution focuses less on our worship services and more on our service of others” – Kara Powell
What about you? What stood out to you from the Orange Conference ’20? Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder or #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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