The Power of Vision and Staying the Course

I am a big Batman fan. So, last Thursday night, I went to see “The Batman”. It’s the latest Batman movie from DC and truthfully, it might be the best one yet! I was a little nervous going into the movie. I was hoping for the best, but expecting bad. I like to go in with low expectations. Thankfully, I was really happy after the movie. In fact, I was so happy, I can’t wait to go see it again. There was so much to like about it and I believe they are going to keep building with Robert Pattinson as the Batman for more movies and potentially streaming shows. That would be very exciting.

visionOne thing we noticed was that this Thursday night crowd was not as widely attended as a lot of the recent Marvel movies I have gone to see. As I was wondering why I came to this conclusion. Marvel movies have been building upon themselves for well over a decade. There was a vision from the very begin with “Iron Man”. And, they have kept through with a direction and the audience has loved it, making them “MUST SEE” movies.

One the other hand, beside Batman centric movies, DC movies, on the other hand, have been a disaster. DC has probably two of the most popular Superheroes of all-time, Batman and Superman. Yet, DC has lacked the vision and direction to keep going like Marvel. And because of that, DC movies have suffered. Even with all the publicity about “The Batman”, I talked to a few people recently who didn’t even realize this movie was coming out. DC has lacked vision and are constantly rebuilding and restarting. That has caused confusion and lack of excitement amongst the audience. Thus, the huge difference in opening night movie attendance.

A lack of vision and follow through causes confusion amongst people. Be clear in your vision and see it through. Click To Tweet

In the same way, Churches can be either Marvel or DC. You can either have vision and direction and see the plan God has before you through the end, as Marvel is doing. Or, you can be like DC, directionless, confusing and constantly coming out with new campaigns or initiatives. What is your Church?

When you lack clear vision you end up chasing after the latest trends, rebuild or restart over and over again. When that happens your Church or your ministry suffers. People are confused, thus never fully engaging because they know it will be just a matter of time before you switch to focusing on something else. Don’t be that kind a Church. Be a Church with a clear vision from God. Be a Church that has a clear direction. Be a Church that is patient and allows God to work. When you do that and see the mission through, it’s amazing what God does.

What other ways can you encourage someone digitally on Valentine’s Day? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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