The Biggest Difference between a Facebook Page and Group

my thoughts below.   [ctt template=”9″ link=”bsbqa” via=”no” ]The primary difference between a Page and Group is FOCUS.[/ctt] What do you want the focus to be in this page or group? That is the question that you and only you can answer. If you want to focus to be on sharing your content and getting discussion going from that, then start a page. If you want it to be about establishing a community where people can freely share thoughts and ideas (with some moderation from you of course), then start a group. It has been my experience that most Churches are best served to start a Page to engage people and share information. An example of one is New Life Christian Church. However, a ministry or a group within your Church could be best served as a group. A great example of how a Group builds and grows community can be found with the Church Communications Group. The bottom line is that you can’t go wrong with either a Page or a Group. They are both beneficial and can be used in a very powerful way to reach people for Christ and encourage them. Whether your choice one over the other all depends on what your focus of starting that page or group up is. So what do you think? What have been your experiences with Facebook Pages and Groups? Share your stories below so we can all learn from each other and be inspired to be better leaders. Or you can share on social media using #ymsidekick. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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