The Secret Lip Sync Challenge

Lip Sync battles made famous by Jimmy Fallon before. And, I hope you’ve all tried something like that in your group. Well, this challenge is similar yet a little different.  It’s call the Secret Lip Sync Challenge.  Your goal is to lip sync to a song while in the background something else is happening.  It could be co-workers actually working or a meeting going on or something completely different.  The more random the background activity is the better. Make sense?  Ok, well maybe watch this video and hopefully it will make more sense. [youtube width=”600″ height=”450″][/youtube] So what does the winner get?  A $50 store credit to the Orange Store to buy whatever you want for you and/or your ministry. How to you participate? 

  1. Goto the YM Sidekick Facebook page and under this blog post, comment with your video (posted on Oct. 19th).
  2. Upload your video and tweet it out using the hashtag #secretlipsync
  3. You have until Oct. 28th at 9 pm EST to submit your videos
The winner with the most likes on their Facebook post or favorites on the video they post on Twitter will win the gift card. Have fun and happy secret lip syncing. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]]]>

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