The Summer Months are an Opportunity for Ministry

Throughout the year there will be many times where you have thriving ministry and some times when ministry seems to stall. The Fall season is usually a time when ministry is thriving because of the start of the new school year and other activities. The summer season is usually a time when ministry tends to stall.

Why do the summer months seem to stall? Mainly because this is a time of year when families take vacations, kids do camps and with the longer days of daylight, people tend to be not as active at Church. Even online attendance seems to fall. Whether it is Sunday morning Church or Online Groups, people can be wildly inconsistent.

Why Continue Ministry in the Summer?

Considering that ministry can be inconsistent during the summer, why not take a break? Why continue to do ministry over the summer months? Here are a few reasons why:

  • summerCasual and fun atmosphere. Summer gives you the opportunity to have ministry time that is more relaxed. You can do a cookout and have other fun activities at the house for kids and families that create a fun atmosphere that can make it easier to build relationships and have meaningful conversations.
  • Relaxed schedules. While it may seem like a negative because you don’t know when people are in town or doing something, the reality is that many people tend have more flexible schedules during summer. This can make it easier for them to participate in activities or events during the week because they don’t have as much scheduled for school or sports.
  • New People to Town. People tend to move over the summer. By having ministry activities over the summer, even in a limited capacity, you are providing a way for new people in your town to connect and experience your Church. And, it helps you get to know them, as well.
  • Discipleship Opportunity. Ultimately, summer can be a HUGE opportunity for you and those consistent people who show up day after day, week after week. Use the summer as a way to connect with those people who are consistent in your group offer the summer. It’s a great discipleship opportunity.
Should you continue to do ministry over the summer months? Here are 4 reasons why. Click To Tweet


The summer months can be brutal for ministry. However, don’t let the inconsistencies discourage you. Look for the people who are consistently showing up and commenting at your Online Bible Studies or events. They are the ones who are really hungry for Christ at that time. Make the most of it and use it as an opportunity to invest in them more and see how God uses that for your ministry today.

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. What else stands out to you? Share them below or on social media. 

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