No matter what position you serve on your church staff, there is a lot of value that comes from being coached/mentored by someone who has been through ministry before. But not only is being coached by someone else extremely important, there is just as much value as you coaching someone else who is younger than you. Whether it is a volunteer or a staff person, coaching someone else not only helps that other person but challenges you as well.
That is why Tom invited Cory Sullivan back on the podcast. In this episode Tom and Cory talk about:
- What they are thankful for
- How does being coached by someone else help
- How does coaching someone else help you and that other person
- How you can help Cory rebrand his blog.
If you are looking for someone to coach you in Student or Online ministry, email
Tom ( to set it up.
Cory is a great resource and you can find him
here. You can also follow him on Twitter
here ( He’s a great resource so hit him up and pick his brain.
What about you? How have you seen the value of being coached and coaching someone else in your life? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can all learn from each other.
To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him
Make sure you goto
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Sidekick Scoop ( to get content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics).]]>