here. In it, I highlighted 5 reasons why this should be a very viable option for your youth program to help out with.
Well, this week is V.B.S. week at Cedar Run and because of this I am going to show some give real-time examples of how the 5 reasons really shine through. I will post these examples over the course of the week 1 per day.
Reason 1: You are supporting another ministry at your church.
In my June blog about this, I said:
Too many times in church world, I have seen Ministry Department Heads get territorial and want to do what is best for their ministry only. They don’t care what happens in the other departments, just as long as their needs are being met. I’m sorry but that is NOT an effective way to do ministry. Ministries within the church need to partner together and work to bring all people, young and old, into a relationship with Christ. By having the youth support the children’s ministry, you are supporting the church. As a youth minister you are saying that you value another ministry just as much as yours and that want to support what they are doing to further the kingdom of heaven. It is a great model.
Here is how I saw this flushed out on Monday. Of the 57 volunteers helping out daily this week, 22 of them were youth or young adults! That is amazing. The youth and young adults were definitely supporting the children’s department this week. In fact Carolyn, our Children’s Ministry Director said that without them helping, V.B.S. would not be possible. How great is that?! The youth and young adults are actively contributing to another ministry and serving them in so many different ways. They are game leaders, teachers, teacher assistants, toddler helpers, sound board workers, craft leaders, and snack helpers. It was very evident that everywhere you turned, the youth and young adults were helping another ministry and it was benefiting the Church.
This is a great example of how ministries can help each other and should be helping each other. After all, it is all for the glory of the Lord anyways, therefore we should be working together, especially on big events such as V.B.S..
[caption id="attachment_1124" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="2 of our youth participating at this year's V.B.S."]

[caption id="attachment_1125" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Some of our youth playing games with some of the children at this year's V.B.S."]
