The Youth & V.B.S. at work – Day 3

here. In it, I highlighted 5 reasons why this should be a very viable option for your youth program to help out with. Well, this week is V.B.S. week at Cedar Run and because of this I am going to give some give real-time examples of how the 5 reasons really shine through. On Tuesday I talked about how helping out with another V.B.S. is a positive way to support another ministry in your Church. You can read it here.  Yesterday I posted about how it serves as a local mission trip.  Today is Reason #3. Reason 3: Students bond. In my June blog about this, I said:

    Being apart of the V.B.S. Team allows students who do not normally socialize together bond. Sure they are apart of the “youth group” and they may go to the same school, but that doesn’t meant they socialize or interact together. When they help out with V.B.S., they have interactions and experiences together that they may never have had before. Which again, helps builds friendships and bonds that may last eternity.
This is how I have seen this flushed out this week.  My team (we are the Game Crew) consists of 5 youth.  Usually the day is very structured as new groups come to our game time every 20 minutes.  However, as the scheduled worked out, our team has a 40 minute break every day.  So, after Monday, we decided that we would use this break as a time to go to Burger King for something to eat or drink.  BK is just across the street so it wasn’t impossible to do.  For, the past 2 days we have gone to BK as a group, talking and socializing the whole time.  It has been a great experience since not everyone on my team were friends at first.  Sure they “knew” each other but they didn’t really “know” one another.  So this time together working as a team and then going over to BK has been a really rewarding time together. Other youth and young adults working may not have the break my team has but they have bonded with each other as well as they team up for teaching or crafts or music.  They have been able to start and begin to foster some new friendships with each other.  It is my hope that these friendships they are now developing will continue over the course of the school year and beyond. Why should the Youth and Young Adults help out at V.B.S.?  Because they bond together which will hopefully last a lifetime.]]>

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