This is my kind of Team

  Early in this clip Kevin Costner’s character says, “I don’t know if I have anything life”. Have you ever felt like that before?  Have you ever felt that you have nothing left in the tank and you can’t do it anymore? I know I have and it because of the different teams I’ve had over the years that I have be able to last this long in ministry. Do you have a team like this? A team that will step up even when we can’t do it any more? Do you have people in your life that can come give you a pick-me-up when you are down in the dumps? The reality is we aren’t always going to have our best stuff. We are going to have an off day or week, go through a hard time or have external things that are going to be messing things up. I have had this happen to me. However, I had a team around me that stepped up and really took the lead in a few areas that ended up benefiting our ministry in so many great ways. Having a great team around you doesn’t just happen.  As a Ministry Leader, you have to work hard…

  • recruiting the right person to be a leader to be apart of your team
  • training them so they have the right tools to be successful
  • meeting with them regularly so they have a connection with you
  • building a sense of community amongst the team members
  • having fun together as a team
All of these are important to having that great team, a team that will stick with you and be that team that will play awesome for and with you no matter what. What do you think?  What are some other things you can do with your teams so that they will be that team we all dream of having with us? [mc4wp_form]  ]]>

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