Thrive in what is Sustainable

Pick a few things and do them well. The tendency right now is to try a lot of new things and do them all! Trying new things is great but doing all of them at once can be overwhelming. Instead of doing them all, try a few things to see if they work. If they work, great! Keep doing them. If not, try other things. But do the few things well. sustainableDon’t compare yourself to what other ministries are doing. God is using you, your Church and your ministry during this time. Just because another Church or ministry is doing it doesn’t mean you have to do it. Trust God and be faithful for who he has entrusted you with and be ok with that. You don’t need to conquer the world, just make an impact for Christ today. Think through what can be an “add” to when things go back to normal. This virus will pass eventually and when it does a lot of what you were doing will start back up again. However, some of the new things you tried out will be a welcomed “add” to your ministry. What new thing are you doing now that can make an impact long term? It has to mix well with everything else because remember, if you can’t sustain it over time, it won’t be valuable to your ministry long term. Whether it is a new trend,  the coronavirus or something else that impacts your community or even the world, there will always be something that comes up and will impact your ministry. How you choose to respond to that will determine if your ministry can thrive or not.  That is why it is so important to do a few things well, trust God’s leading in your ministry (not someone else’s) and figure out how these new things you add can be maintained well long term as an add to your ministry. Keep processing what is sustainable not just now but sustainable over time so that when things go back to “normal”, whatever that may be, your ministry will be able to thrive long term, impacting countless lives for Christ. What do you think?  How do you thrive in what is sustainable? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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