Travel day & 1st Impressions of Orange '11

After we checked in we had dinner with the other bloggers and then got a tour of the Conference Center.  It was really cool to see some of the behind the sense stuff going on.  After that we went to the Conference Center check-in.  There I met some great people from Tennessee. They are from New Vision Baptist Church in Tennessee.  In fact, it was a great honor to meet them because they are the largest group at Orange this year.  They have brought 34 people from their church ranging from Preschool to College leaders.  Some of them have been coming for the past 5 years.  Here is a picture of them at the Registration area. Looking ahead to Wednesday, I am going to be going to and blogging about these pre-conference workshops:

  • How to Motivate your leaders (Children Ministry focus)
  • How to Lead a Family Ministry Meeting (Family Ministry focus)
  • How to Recruit Volunteers (Children & Student Ministry focus)
  • How to Connect with Parents using Social Media (Children & Student Ministry focus)
So keep staying connected for all the latest that happens at Orange ’11.]]>

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