Youth Specialities. They had EVERYTHING that I ever wanted or dreamed about in regards to youth ministry. I remember getting the catalogue (yep, again, back in the day there were catalogues where you could see all the resources on things called paper) and just drooling over all the cool ministry resources.
My favorites by far were the TalkSheets and Mark Oestreicher’s (before he was known as MarkO or the President of Youth Specialties)”Wild Truth Bible Studies“. I ate those things up like crazy.
In recent years, however, I have turned to some new GOTO resources. Not that anything has happened to Youth Specialties in recent years, but I have discovered reThink, ym360 and Simply Youth Ministry resources. In fact, it wasn’t even a real conscious decision to stop using Youth Specialities, it just kind of happened over time. It wasn’t until I saw a random blog post from Youth Specialites that I realized I had not been on their site for quite some time.
This lead me to this blog post. Does Youth Specialties still own the title as Youth Ministry Resource GOTO or are there other resources out there that now have that title?
What do you think? Share your favorite Student Ministry resource group and your favorite resource is below.]]>