Upgrade and get a Mic for your Smartphone Recordings

This is the Movo LV1 mic I got recently.[/caption] Despite all the advantages of using your smartphone as a video recorder, I have made some small upgrades over the past 2 years of doing this. One of those was a recent purchase of a mic. The one I specifically got was the Movo LV1. If  you doing a lot of recording, here is why you should upgrade your mic as well: BETTER SOUND QUALITY! I know…real earth shattering information here.  But honestly, just in the few videos I have done with the mic I have noticed a huge difference.  It provides me some movement flexibility (being able to step further away from my iPhone) and still get excellent quality sound. Check out this quick video of the Movo LV1:     The Movo LV 1 costs $19.95 on Amazon. But the great news is that there are so many different kinds of mics out there from you to choose from. If this particular mic doesn’t work for you, there are plenty of options to choose from. In fact, if you want to go a little bit more high end, you can get a Rode mic Regardless of which you choose, just make sure it works for you and that the sound quality is really good.  The Movo LV1 is perfect for me because of the quality and length of the cord. What do you think? What kind of mic do you use?  Share it below or on social media using #ymsidekick to share. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]]]>

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