Using Social Media to invite friends to Christmas Eve

social media is the perfect way for churches to be encouraging it’s members to invite their friends to Christmas Eve services. For example, here are 3 things you can do right now on social media.

Use Social Images to share. For a few years now we’ve created social images (see below a few examples).  These are eye catching and again help encourage people who go to our church to put them on their social media accounts.  The hope is that by posting these images, they can start a conversation with people by simply saying, “Looking for a place to go on Christmas Eve, join me at New Life this year”.  And, since an image gets more noticed than just text, we’ve created some fun images (fun is one of our core values) that are non-threatening for people to post on their social media accounts.

Facebook Cover Photo Example:


Social Media Image (great for Instagram, Twitter or Facebook):


Create videos. In addition to images, we’ve also done a few videos that we can share on Facebook and YouTube…short but they are fun (again, one of our core values) and they communicate about our Christmas Eve services.

One Example:

Another Example:

Write a blog post. This is simply a blog post encouraging the people at your church to invite their friends and give them a few different tips or ideas on how to do it.  Then, you can share it on your various social media accounts encouraging and reminding your church members to how they can be inviting their friends to Christmas Eve services.

So again, the beauty of social media is that it’s not too late!  You can do get images done quickly.  And even if you don’t have a Creative Arts person, you can always use a group like Fiverr. Fiverr is a cheap resource (seriously $5 cheap) where people can put together a image or graphic for you in a matter of a day or 2. How are you using social media images to encourage people to come to Christmas Eve services?  Share below what you are doing or on social media using #ymsidekick to connect with others. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form] ]]>

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