Utilizing Facebook's Custom Call to Action

Call to Action” button.  You can find them in 2 specific places: in videos you post and right on your Cover Photo of your Facebook Page (note: the “Call to Action” button does not appear on Group pages or your personal pages). I actually discovered these buttons by accident. As I was posting some videos on the nZone and New Life social media accounts because of a new engagement trick I learned from the Social Media Marketing Podcast, I noticed something pop up over time I uploaded a video directly to Facebook. That pop up link was Facebook’s Call to Action.  I’ve seen it a few times before, as I’m sure you all have, but never looked into it…until now. [caption id="attachment_6248" align="alignright" width="300"]Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 3.52.12 PM A screen shot of a video I’m posting for the New Life Online Campus Facebook page.[/caption] The way it works is as soon as you upload a video to your post, the “Add a Call to Action” link shows up. Once you click that link you get to pick your choice of a call to action. It could be:

  • No Button
  • Shop Now
  • Book Now
  • Learn More
  • Sign Up
  • Download
  • Watch More
After you click what you want, you can attach a URL to it which will take your viewers to wherever you want to take them. Having this “Call to Action” button on our Pages and videos really is a big deal because it gives your customers or supporters a next step.  For instance, if they like your video, the “call to action” shows up when it is over and if the viewer wants to take a next step it is just a click away.  If they like your page and want to see other things your Church or ministry is offering, they can click the “Call to Action” button on the Cover Photo to see what next steps there are for them. It makes the process easy for them. So far, I’ve used the “learn more” and “watch more” buttons to help direct people to discover more about the nZone or New Life.  It has been a great edition to my social media postings and I think it can be for you as well. What do you think? Have you used the “Call to Action” buttons on Facebook yet?  How are you using them?  Share below so we can all learn and get more ideas for our ministries. ]]>

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