Welcome to TomPounder.com

Hi everyone!

My name is Tom Pounder and welcome to TomPounder.com! I have been doing Online Ministry since the summer of 2014. It has been an amazing ride and I am excited to continue to share what I have been learning with all of you.

I am not new to the blogging, podcasting and vlogging game. I started blogging back in February of 2009 when I was a Student Minister. From then til October 25, 2021 I was blogging at YMSidekick.com. There are blogs, podcasts and vlogs there. There is still a TON of great content on that site so feel free to check it out anytime. 

At the end of October I began to partner with TheChurch.Digital and Jeff Reed. I blog and share The Church Digital Sidekick Podcast weekly. You can find a lot of great practical digital and online ministry encouragement there.

I also lead the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group. This is the group where ALL ministers can learn digital and online tools to help expand their reach for Christ. It is a great group of people who are all learning from each other.

So what will this site be about? Here I will be posting The Digital in 5 Show and other encouragement as we seek to do ministry more effectively in this digital and online world we are living in. It will also be a place for you to come and connect with me, ask questions and get help. I would love to work with your Church or ministry as you learn and implement digital and online tools into your ministry. 

There is more to come on this site as I’m in the “soft opening” of this site. I still have lots to update but I wanted you to know where to connect and be encouraged in your online ministry. Stay tuned for more very soon on TomPounder.com!


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