Welcome to Ministry Blackboard!

see here), I have decided that I needed to rebranded my blog into something different.  What has become out of that is Ministry Blackboard.  This is the place where ideas come to life! What this transition means is that I’m going to be writing more from different perspectives.  I’m going to have more thoughts on families, children, young adults and marriages and how we, as ministers, can be drawing them closer to Christ so that they can be ministers to their children, peers, friends and neighbors.  I am a big fan of the Orange stuff and I continue to read more about that with my Family Ministry Team, you can bet you’ll be reading posts about it. Now Youth Ministers, don’t worry!  This transition into family ministry does not mean that I will be neglecting youth ministry specific posts.  They will still be a primary focus of this blog.  Considering that I have over 13 years of full-time youth ministry experience and I’m going to be overseeing a great young youth ministry at New Life, I will be posting quite regularly on youth ministry and how we can become better ministers for Christ to this hurting generation. So, as I begin this transition into my new ministry position and into this new blog, I would love for you all to TAKE A MINUTE and do 2 things:

  1. explore the site.  Especially the YM Sidekick Program available to youth ministers.
  2. post a few topics that you would love to have discussed here at Ministry Blackboard.
I am excited about this rebranding and I am pumped to see where this leads.  Thanks for all your support and reading and I hope you are looking forward to this new transition as much as I am.]]>

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