But then one caught my eye. It was unlike any other. It was black and it simply said “I hate Steven Singer” and promoted the website ihatestevensinger.com.
Well, with a billboard sign like that, it immediately drove my up curiosity. Why would someone hate Steven and what will I find at this website? I HAD to look and much to my chagrin it was just a jewelry website. Very clever marketing.
So who cares, right? It’s just a billboard that made me look up a site. What’s the big deal? Well, this ONE BILLBOARD can actually teach and remind Church Social Media Directors and Marketers 3 very specific
[youtube width=”650″ height=”400″]https://youtu.be/ue81_JyQEpk[/youtube]
How can you evoke curiosity in your social media marketing for your Church or ministry?
- Avoid “Church” talk. This is using lingo that only “church” people know. Any social media account you use for your church is a potential on ramp for non-believers to discover God. That is why you should limit the language that only “church” people or Christians speak.
- Avoid “Insider” talk. This is language that basically only your particular church knows. It’s ok to have this talk but when you are communicating on social media you want to avoid this because anyone outside of your church won’t know what you are talking about…or even care. So, avoid this kind of talk in your social media marketing.
- Use Images and Videos. This should be a no-breainer by now but images and videos attract so much more attention than just text. And, if done right with, with out any “church” or “insider” talk, can draw more people looking to discover God and Church to your Church.