What Does it Look Like to Hunt in Ministry

On their way to back-to-back College Football Championships, Georgia Head Coach Kirby Smart had one message for his team. He said repeatedly throughout the year that they will not be hunted. Rather, they will do the hunting. That’s a powerful messages because once a team wins the championship two things happen. First, you tend to have a little let down as you’ve achieve success the season before. That is why there are so few back to back champions in sports. Secondly, it is because once you win the title, you immediately become the target. You become the hunted. People are after you.

This hunting analogy applies very well to sports. However, it also applies well to ministry. Your ministry is your team and while your goals are different, you operate similarly. So, what does it look like to hunt in your ministry? What can you be doing? Here are 4 ways:

1. Take initiative.

You can either be reactive or proactive. Being reactive means that you wait and see what happens and then react to it. Being proactive means to take initiative and make something happen. Hunters don’t wait for something to happen and react to it. They are not hunted. They are proactive and make things happen. Set goals and keep pushing the envelope in your ministry so that more people can come to know Christ.

2. Seek to make improvements weekly.

When things are going good in ministry, it is easy to keep things going good. However, being good enough and getting by is not best. Even when ministry is going good, there are improvements you can be making. In fact, it is during those good times that it is easiest to make those improvements.  If you want to go hunting in ministry you need to always seek to make both minor and major improvements to what is going good so that you all can be performing at your best long term.


hunt in ministry 3. Look to expand and grow.

In sports, you can have a great team one year and then a not so great team the next year. This happens because of injuries and losing players for different reasons. That is why they are alway looking for players to recruit and bring in to make their team better. Not just in your leadership but numerically. How can you grow the number of discipleship groups you are doing? What are new ways you can reach more people online for Christ? Does doing ministry ministry in the metaverse work for your Church? These are all questions a hunter can be asking as you hunt for ministry opportunities to minister to others.

4. Build a Team.

When your team has experienced success, it is easy for your team to become individuals. Certain individuals get more attention than others. Because of that there can be some animosity and jealousy that creeps in and ruins good team dynamics. Work to form and develop great team dynamics and chemistry. The more united and in sync your team can be, the more likely you are going to be able to achieve your goals and reach more people for Christ.

Just like sports teams, ministry teams can be content with good, not great. See how your ministry team can hunt rather than be hunted. Click To Tweet


You are in a battle. Satan is hunting you and your ministry. Don’t react to his movements. Be the hunter and take the fight to him. When things are going good, it can be easy to be content with good. Don’t let complacency seep in. Keep hunting. When you seem to have a competent, consistent team, keep training and add new members to it so that your team can be better equipped to serve the growing needs of your ministry. Keep hunting. Take the mindset of always seeking to improve and attack, rather than being attacked. Be the hunter.

What will you start incorporating today? Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan that you can start implementing today so that your next event will be the most attended of all the previous ones. Also, share other ways you can hunt in ministry. Share them below or on social media. 

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