Episode 43 Show Notes:
Today Tom talks to Kenny and Elle Campbell about Youth Ministry Labs. Kenny and Elle who? Oh you know them – the brains behind Stuff you can Use and YM Answers. They were kind enough to come on the podcast to talk about their newest training resource – Youth Ministry Labs.
In today’s episode Tom and the Campbells talk about:
What is the driving force behind YM Labs.
What happens when you pick a Lab (what do you get and how does it work)
How it is unique and different from other training resources
Tom concludes the podcast by offering to buy anyone one (1) Youth Ministry Lab of their choice if they aren’t satisfied with the Lab they choice and used. So let him know on Twitter (@tapounder or @ymsidekick) what you thought of it. To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him here. Make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! Also, sign up for the Sidekick Scoop (http://ht.ly/TVyKF) to get content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics). What training resources are you using now? Join the conversation by sharing below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.]]>