What Microsoft’s Metaverse Plans Mean for Churches

More and more companies are getting involved with the meta-verse in some capacity. Microsoft just bought Activision Blizzard, PlayStation has just released another headset, Apple and Amazon are working on things as well. And this is just the things that we know are happening. So what does Microsoft’s Metaverse plans mean for your Church or ministry?

Watch the video, listen to the audio or read the bullet points below to see what is really going on.



So what can your reaction be at the church?

  1. You could just simply ignore it. You could push it off and say that’s just for weird people and do whatever you want with that but we’re not gonna invest in that. The only real relationships that happened are the ones that happen in person.
  2. You can start exploring what this might look like. Exploring is not committing. It is simply exploring and see what the possibilities are. Exploring could also take months to years. There’s still so much we don’t know about the meta-verse but if you start exploring now and start looking into it you might be able to get a handle of it much sooner than other people.


  • What do you think? What do you think of Microsoft’s Metaverse plans? How do they apply to your ministry? Share  below or on social media.
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